
Before joining coaching as a profession, Vicky had spent 11 years with Reuters Asia Limited in Marketing and Business Development positions and the following 11 years with startup technology companies. She was a key executive, Senior Vice President, to get CDC Corporation listed in the US NASDAQ system and later as Managing Director of hongkong.com to get it listed in HKSE GEM board. She had also started up M3 Mobile Communication Limited that later was merged with a PRC multi-media company. Her last corporate position was the General Manager of a supply chain solution company PCH China Solutions Limited serving clients like Apple, Motorola, Microsoft and Amazon. During her corporate career, she had thrived in various management positions by applying coaching skills with positive results for herself and her staff. Human capital is one of the important building blocks for any business. The current speed of change is posting challenges to some individuals. After moving on from her successful career, she aims to bring coaching skills to benefit others in attaining their full potential in both their personal and professional life despite the environment promised, “change is the only constant”. Vicky is quite a worldly person benefiting from extensive traveling and corporate postings in Toronto (4 years), Beijing (2 years), Shanghai (1 year), Shenzhen (3 years) and Taipei (1 year). She is comfortable to take on clients with various cultural backgrounds
- Master of Social Science (Counseling) from The University of Hong Kong (2015)
- Bachelor of Science (Psychology) from Upper Iowa University (with honors) (2011)
- International Coaching Federation (ICF) associate certified coach (ACC)
- Foundation Certificate for Life Coaching from Hong Kong University SPACE (2011)
- Certified Trainer for Enneagram in Business
- Certified Enneagram Coach
- Certificate from the 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course
- Coached executives in AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited (Insurance – team leaders), FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (Insurance – team leader), KFM Kingdom Holdings Limited (Manufacturing - sales and operations team leaders), Shih Wing Ching Foundation (NGO – project leaders) and Deacons (Legal Counsel)
- Probono Life Coaching for students in Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) Chai Wan and Tseung Kwan O since 2011 up to 2020
- Probono Life Coaching for university students of Society for Community Organization (SoCO) New Youth Group (2020)
- Facilitated participants in coaching skills and growth in various corporate trainings and open coaching classes since 2011 up to 2020
- Led 8-week Mindfulness based Emotion Management Group Program at trainings and Community Centers from 2017 to 2019

• 以啓發性和同理心的對話, 擴闊信念和視野, 創造一個更美好的自己
• 以啓發性和同理心的對話, 擴闊信念和視野, 創造一個更美好的自己
在成為生命教練之前,Dennis在一間國際大型直銷公司任職逾二十年, 最初專責顧客服務, 其後加入管理團隊, 負責培訓員工和客户會員。 Dennis現時亦參與推廣和執行公司政策和程序的工作。在參與培訓工作時期, Dennis 曾赴台灣、印度、馬來西亞、印尼、菲律賓、歐洲和非洲一些國家參與培訓員工和市場推廣等工作。
在從事培訓工作中, Dennis 學以致用, 把在人生教練課程所學的技巧和心法都應用在員工培訓上, 令員工在溝通技巧和個人成長中有所提升,從而能為個人、 團隊和公司提升價值。
在工餘時, Dennis 積極參與人生教練的服務, 曾為中學生、大專生、家長 和中小企僱主提供教練服務。Dennis的信念是要為自己身處的社區貢獻價值,達到"全民皆教練"的理想。
15-year experience in customer service + 4-year experience in direct selling compliance in an international direct selling company.
Coaching is a very powerful tool helping others to transform the mindset which will possibly lead to the change of their lives.
- 香港浸會大學理學士 (應用生物) - 1999
- 香港社區組織協會生命教練計劃-青年義工教練 (2020)
- 九龍西區扶輪社生命教練計劃-義工教練 (2020-2021)
- 中華基督教會扶輪中學生命教練計劃-義工教練 (2020-2021)
- BNI Hero 分會-企業教練 (2021)

Former Managing Director of a international publishing group, 20 years of executive experience 曾任職於跨國出版集團的常務總監,具20年高管經驗
- 香港公開大學教育系碩士M.A.
- 香港中文大學中國語文及文化系學士B.A.
- 香港大學專業進修學院人生教練高級證書Advanced Certificate
- Point of You 第一級別培訓師 Certified Trainer
- 具 20 年高管經驗,曾任職於跨國企業的出版總監及常務總監
- Coaching experience:
- 擁有超過150小時教練服務經驗,客戶包括企業主管、員工、微企業家、自僱人士、保險從業員等
- 參與多項義工教練項目,包括家長工作坊、大學生教練(由香港社區協會及扶輪社舉辦)
- ․Coached executive in eLearning department of Popular Holdings Ltd
- Was a trainer and a coach in a 50 days’ coaching program named“Full of Life” which targeted 45-65 years old people
- Volunteered to do Life Coaching for students in the City University which organized by Rotary Club
- Volunteered to do Life Coaching for university students of Society for Community
- Organization (SoCO) New Youth Group

• 富高能量、正面、有同理心。引導客戶找到清晰的方向,一起探索不同的可能性!
• 富高能量、正面、有同理心。引導客戶找到清晰的方向,一起探索不同的可能性!
Anna 畢業於 UC Berkeley, Anna 是一位人生教練和企業培訓師。在美國和亞太區擁有超過 20年的廣告及數碼媒體行銷經驗。曾擔任多家國際媒體公司的主管 - 數位部門主管、總經理和區域總經理。在培訓方面Anna曾在AIG, Yahoo!, 及各大媒體集團負責培訓工作。
Anna has over 20 years of experience in advertising and digital marketing in the US and Asia Pacific region. She has worked with international media agencies in key regional roles such as Chief Digital Officer, General Manager and Regional Managing Director, covering Asia Pacific region. In training, Anna has worked for AIG as their in-house Training Manager and was responsible for training at Yahoo and international media agencies.
- University of California, Berkeley - Bachelor of Science, Business Administration
- Yale University - ‘The Science of Well-Being’ 課程證書
- Points of You Level 3 Certified Expert, Flow 課程證書
- More than 200 hours of coaching service experience. Clients include corporate em-ployees, direct selling company leaders, small and medium-sized enterprises
- Volunteered to do Life coaching for members of the Society for Community
- Organizations (Soco)
- Volunteered to do Life coaching for students of the Hong Kong Institute of
- Vocational Education Tseung Kwan O (IVE Tseung Kwan O)
- Volunteered to do Life coaching for bachelor students of the Hong Kong
- University of Science and Technology, and bachelor and graduate students
- of the University of Hong Kong

•以真誠和正向的互動,來激發不察覺的潛能, 尋找可發展的空間, 達成所定立的目標。
•以真誠和正向的互動,來激發不察覺的潛能, 尋找可發展的空間, 達成所定立的目標。
教練個人,大專學生, 高中學生及SoCO家長班: 2019年7月至今
管理輔導中心經驗: 5年
在多國籍公司行政經驗: 24年

Francis has been full-time missionary work for 18 years. From 1996 to 2004, the service in ICPE (International Catholic Program of Evangelization) training organization in Malta and the Philippines. From 2004 to 2015, he established and leading the "City of Joy" training organization in China, both centers also focus on Character training, Leadership Training, and counseling. The City of God held youth activities and training programs in different provinces in the Mainland. During the Missionary service, Francis was a leader and director, he had applied coaching skills to helped missionaries, priests, and nuns from different nationalism grow, establish goals, and deal with difficulties.
...Francis has been full-time missionary work for 18 years. From 1996 to 2004, the service in ICPE (International Catholic Program of Evangelization) training organization in Malta and the Philippines. From 2004 to 2015, he established and leading the "City of Joy" training organization in China, both centers also focus on Character training, Leadership Training, and counseling. The City of God held youth activities and training programs in different provinces in the Mainland. During the Missionary service, Francis was a leader and director, he had applied coaching skills to helped missionaries, priests, and nuns from different nationalism grow, establish goals, and deal with difficulties.
- 2017 HKU SPACE-Advanced Certificate in Life Coaching
- 1997-2000 ICPE Philippines-Internship and training
- 1996 -1997 ICPE Malta School of Evangelization-Evangelization training
- Advanced Certificate in Life Coaching Hong Kong University SPACE (2017)
- Volunteered to do Life Coaching for students in Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) Chai Wan and Tseung Kwan O.
- Volunteered to do Life Coaching for university students of Society for Community Organization (SoCO) New Youth Group
- Volunteered to do Life Coaching for Parenting of Society for Community Organization (SoCO) Parents Group
- 10 years ”City Of Joy" (City Of Joy) Training Center, as Director and Lecturer of Training Center
- Responsibilities: Training and mentoring instructors, consultants and fund-raising
- 8 years International Catholic Program of Evangelization Philippines, as Leader of Pastoral Team and Worship Team.

16年寶潔大中華區供應鏈管理高管 高效能人士七個習慣認證講師 目前就職於英國保誠保險公司 百萬圓桌核心會員
...16年寶潔大中華區供應鏈管理高管 高效能人士七個習慣認證講師 目前就職於英國保誠保險公司 百萬圓桌核心會員
- Master of Social Science (Counseling) from The University of Hong Kong (2015)
- Bachelor of Science (Psychology) from Upper Iowa University (with honors) (2011)
- International Coaching Federation (ICF) associate certified coach (ACC)
- Foundation Certificate for Life Coaching from Hong Kong University SPACE (2011)
- Certified Trainer for Enneagram in Business
- Certified Enneagram Coach
- Certificate from the 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course
- Coached executives in AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited (Insurance – team leaders), FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (Insurance – team leader), KFM Kingdom Holdings Limited (Manufacturing - sales and operations team leaders), Shih Wing Ching Foundation (NGO – project leaders) and Deacons (Legal Counsel)
- Probono Life Coaching for students in Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) Chai Wan and Tseung Kwan O since 2011 up to 2020
- Probono Life Coaching for university students of Society for Community Organization (SoCO) New Youth Group (2020)
- Facilitated participants in coaching skills and growth in various corporate trainings and open coaching classes since 2011 up to 2020
- Led 8-week Mindfulness based Emotion Management Group Program at trainings and Community Centers from 2017 to 2019

Over 20 years of MNC experience as CFO and FD for Hong Kong and Greater China region. ICF - PCC Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching Certified Executive Coach (2017 scholarship) HKU SPACE Advanced Certificate in Life Coaching - Distinction MBTI Stage I & II Practitioner NLP Practitioner and Certified Coach Certified Time Line Therapist FCPA, Australia Coaching clients include: PwC, Hogan Lovells, The CFO Centre, Lidl Hong Kong, Payoneer, Viking Cruises, Fu Hong Society, Richmond Fellowship etc.
Over 20 years of MNC experience as CFO and FD for Hong Kong and Greater China region. ICF - PCC Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching Certified Executive Coach (2017 scholarship) HKU SPACE Advanced Certificate in Life Coaching - Distinction MBTI Stage I & II Practitioner NLP Practitioner and Certified Coach Certified Time Line Therapist FCPA, Australia Coaching clients include: PwC, Hogan Lovells, The CFO Centre, Lidl Hong Kong, Payoneer, Viking Cruises, Fu Hong Society, Richmond Fellowship etc.